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A Short Of Philosophy The founder of Talime Islam Manikganj Darbar Sharif Qutub ul Aqtab, Professor (RTD) Al Hajj Hazrat Mowlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi).

In the name of allah the most merciful, the most gracious.

An Introduction to Birth and Posterity:

A renowned Islamic Scholar, Philosopher, Researcher, One of several Muslim Scientists and a Spiritual great saint, reformer Of community Peer -E- kamil (A complete gaudier) Gaws -E- Azam (Great helper) Qutub ul Aqtab, Professor (ret) Al-hajj Hazrat Mowlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) was born at Pailagram of Terishiri of Ghior Police station under Manikganj district in a respectable educated Muslim family in 1937AD. His parents both were from gentle Syed posterity. His father’s name is Al-hajj Professor Hazarat Mowlana Syed Mohammad Nasim Uzzaman Siddiquee (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi), who was a highly qualified model teacher Of Tereshiri College and an honest Alim, he was well-reputed as Urdu poet. Mother’s name of Murshed kebla is Syeda Maleka Siddiquee (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi). She was model follower of code of Islamic life and ascetic. Murshed kebla’s grandfather Dr. Syed Abdul Jabbar Siddiquee (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) was a then British qualified Islamic scholar surgeon. He was a higher level poet of French. His predecessor came in this country from Iraq. Mother’s name of Mawlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee is Maleka Siddiquee. The root of mother’s heredity is connected with first khalifa SIDDIQUEE -E- AKBAR Hazarat Abu Bakar (Radhi Allahu Tala Anhu). Uncle Mawlana Abdus Sukur was very pious person. In regard his shy, sincerity still in his own region. Be discussed A list of Mowlana’s Mother Posterity is give below:

01. Maleka Siddiqa.

02. Mowlana abdul sukar.

03. Muzzafar ali.

04. Enam box.

05. Mohammad syed.

06. Mohammad hafiz

07. Mohammad nasir

08. Abdwn nabi.

09. Abu trub.

10. Mohammad abu hossen.

11. Mohammad atique.

12. Mohammad said uddin.

13. Hamid uddin.

14. Abdur razzak.

15. Ibrahim.

16. Mohammad jahid.

17. Mohammad hossin.

18. Mohammad abul kasem.

19. Mohammad qutub uddin.

20. Khawja garin –e- nawaj sultanul hind main uddin sattari (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe).

21. Abdul majid mandar sharifdar.

22. Abul Ekhal quddus.

23. Yousuf ahmed.

24. Abdul aziz.

25. Abul kashem.

26. Abdullah.

27. Junaid bagdadi.

28. Abul hossain sarrari shakati.

29. Masud khildani.

30. Rukun uddin.

31. Sulaiman.

32. Ain uddin.

33. Abu ahmed.

34. Khasim.

35. Abdur rahman.

36. Hazarat abu bakkar siddiquee (Radhi Allahu Tala Anhu).


Higher study and work life:

From his boyhood he was very talented and his memory was very sharp. As a result, the respected teachers would teach him carefully. He obtained Board stand in Fazil examination in 1951. It is remarkable that then only 47 students in whole Pakistan got first division. This great Allah’s wali used to study general subjects also side by side the Islamic sharia. He Obtained B.A (Hons.) and M.A degree in economics with honors from university of Dhaka. Side by side securing L.L.B degree, he has been engaged in advocacy profession in Dhaka high court. Though he was the brilliant student of arts but he was also interested much in study of science and Arabic at this, by the immense grace of Allah he had much knowledge in Astronomy ,Philosophy, Physiology, Psychology, Anatomy, Physics, Chemistry etc. in comparison to the students of those department. It is no need to say, he earned great education in Arabic. In consequence, a great many well educated Alim’s from local and abroad would come to him to avail Talim and Talkin (learning and teaching). He liked the teaching all the time. He gave priority as a profession the teaching; he was engaged as a professor at a stretch for 16 years in Manikganj Debandra College as a Departmental head of the department of Economics. His teaching method was so standard and virtual that when he would teach in the class, then students of other departments leaving their classes attend his class. It is noted that no any student was needed to get private learning in regard and topic taught by him. He would give private teaching to the student of English department. Side by side he was the senior examiner of the department of Economics of University of Dhaka. He was engaged as general secretary of psychoanalysis association of combined east-west Pakistan. In fact during his study in the university, the area of his multiple knowledge was created. Reaching at this stage, in his learning and teaching a new style is added. The central library of the university had been used by him as source of various books exterior to study ones. During this time, he used philosophy, science, theology, literature etc. related topics. Particularly he was motivated by scientific research of Newton and Einstein. Space science And biology were basic attraction of his earning of education. He wanted to reach at a particular philosophical belief from a desire of combine study of science and philosophy.


His arena of study as traced out as follows:

Islamic Philosophy: Tasawwuf, especially philosophy embodied by Imam Gazzali (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi).

Comparative Theology: Prime four religions, various customary religions and their evolution, The Eastern Philosophy Upanishads, Vedantic Philosophy.

The Western Philosophy: Hegelian thought, Darwin and Pencher’s mechanical evolution, Henry Bargshu’s creative evolution, Marxism, Barnard Rashel’s susceptive topics etc.

Foreign Literature: Novelist Dickens, poet and hetaerism Shakespeare and other’s.

Bengali Literature: Kazim Ali Qureshi (kaikobad), Mir Mosharraf Hossain, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Rabindranath Tagore, Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Jasimuddin’s literature were read by him specifically. He was mostly influenced with nature and self-conscious as reflected particularly in the poem of Rabindranath Tagore.

Hero of the language: In Language movement of 1952, Hazrat Mowlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee (Rahmat ullah alaihi) participated according to the schedule of that day in procession with martyr Salam, martyr Barkat, martyr Rafique for mother tongue and loudly said ‘’Rastro vasha bangla chai’’ (state language desired Bengali). In his word, when Pakistani army shot bullet on the procession, it passed beside my right side and touched the body of martyr Rafique and on the spot he died. If the bullet would come a little bit of my left side would touch me. Allah’s wali was to be used by Allah in deeds of religion, this is why, and Allah saved him.


Involvement in Politics: In the Year 1970 by the order of his Murshed Kebla Allah’s Qutub founder of Charmonai Darber Sharif Hazarat Mowlana Syed Mohammad Ishaque saheb (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) from Muslim League (Qyum) with symbol tiger having nomination from Harirampur Shibaloy Manikganj Seat 1 has done election. This time he was helped by Alamgir Hossen of chala village, Mohammad Shahjahan Khan of Ramkhirishnapur village and Mowlana Fakharuddin. He did election only obeying to the order Of his Peer and later his Murshed Qibla told him. ‘’Azharul Islam Barrister Saheb, Don’t involve with politics’’ After this Order, he never involved with politics further.


He is one of many Muslim scientist: Allah’s pure Awalia adored by Allah with lots of welfare. As being persons who high barely capable and brilliant they can’t do anything to do for a short time what is possible on part of Allah’s Awalia. In the arena of invention, Contribution of Muslim Scientist is much as be found in the history. It not had been exception also in twentieth century. A few inventions of professor (ret) Hazarat Mawlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee Sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) referred infra:

Atomic scientist: He was a renowned armature atomic scientist. He researching with human cell for long ten years in 1986 inventing a complete new theory of atomic science has proved the truth of grave punishment. The theory is man will have never been vanishing and one man divided into corer of corers atom-man after death, they are roaming about on the air.

The theory is difficult to realize, if not be the researcher of science. The theory has been published on page no, 56 of a book named ‘’The Great Dream’’ It is noted, by then also not been created cloning theory and Genetic theory but Prior to 15 years in his book cloning theory and Genetic theory were existed. In future with this theory to identify man’s gene of deceased man from the air will be possible. The details of theory were published in the monthly Vati-now in February in 2006 AD.


Space scientist: He was an armature space scientist. He in 1991AD by means of space science proving Allah’s Existence has written in a book named ‘A philosophy of astronomy. He challenged the world in regard the existence of Allah. In the history, he is mere a Muslim scientist who challenged the world in realization of Allah’s existence. As per the eminent Islamic scholar and Researcher Dr. Harun-Ur-Rashid (lecturer D.M.C) said in his opinion, at present in the world if remains something, to speak, that is modern astronomy. It’s name is ‘A philosophy of astronomy.

Achievement of Gold Medal: Most fortunate this great man achieved two gold medals. The first one: he achieved for his book ‘’A philosophy of astronomy on 13th March 1999 through 200 doctorate and Muslim philosophy’s as the best topic of the era by D. Shikandar Ali Ibrahim, in the daily INQILAB in March in 1999 AD details news been published. The second one: as the best topic of the era for having gold medal writing ‘A philosophy of astronomy inhabitants of manikganj feeling proud, on behalf the committee of citizen by Ex-minister colonel (Retd) Abdul Malik in February of 2000 AD conferred him gold medal. During this time, among others his colleges of Debandra College, present chairman of Manikganj Municipality Mayor Ramjan Ali and other eminent persons were present.


Great Poet: He was a great Poet of very high level. He composed a series of 170 spiritual gazal in a book titled” TARANA-A-JANNAT’ or Divine tune “in 1981 AD. In Every page of these gazal is existed with knowledge of Elem-E-Marfat that is spiritual knowledge. The Gazal in his own tune as of to-day rings in melodious tune of his disciple Abdul Kader Mullah. It is noted, at the instance of renowned spiritual artist Abdul Alim he gave him written a series of 10 Islamic songs along with tune, of which each one was populated by the people and it was conditioned that his name shall not be published in these songs. For this very reason, ever the day, word and tune both be shown collection. As being great poet of high level he mostly spoke in poetic literary way.

Great Literate: He was a great literate personality. A series of 8 books written by him verily made him as pearl of the bottom of literary sea. Many a great wise educated person’s going through his writing have commented, like wise a prosaic science just before none able to place in literary manner for aught we know.

Spiritual Contemplation Life: 

This spiritual great devotee of very high level was by born Allah’s olee. A great Allah’s olee (Qutubul-Aqtab) before coming in this earth, whole things of this universe pray to Allah for such great olees and Allah the great indicates about them to parents, Teacher or contemporary spiritual devotee through his benevolent Prophet Hazarat Mohammad (Sallahu alaihi wa sallam). When he came his mother womb, then she dreamt, Benevolent prophet Hazarat Mohammad (sallahu alaihi wa sallam) himself with smiling face gave her a beautiful red rose and at the same time red light was spreading around and surrounding been illuminated. (All praise for Allah). Huzurpak (Sallahu alaihi wa sallam) said” if any one dreams me or sees in reality hell’s fire forbidden for him.’’ Mere seeing in dream if be forbidden hell’s fire, then if be seen to give flower with smiling face, then what can be its consequence, in particular disciple of a mukkamal Peer may realize it easily. In which bed the baby slept, the sunny fell crossing the window on the bed, but a snake wrapping held serpent in such way as the sunny can’t fall on bed. (All praise for Allah)’’ seeing the event, his father said, ‘as a son Allah revealed to me a pearl. I have been observing and have got good news that none would be Islamic philosopher like him in his time (praise for Allah.)

He was so handsome and healthy. His attractive appearance and his amazing looks drew hearts of all. Color of his face would change in different time with different color. During prayer one kind, During going to Mahfil one kind, During running Mahfil one kind, During giving lesson one kind, During Munajat one kind, sometime would reveal red shine, sometime would reveal golden color like gold color, sometime vallati pattern would reveal. Why this change that can be realized from a gazal written about his Murshed kebla and that is ‘’Murshider Rupali Pardai Nirup manus Khela Kare Tare Dari Keman Kare’’ when he smiled with his moony face, then all surroundings trees seemingly smiling. He has thousands and thousands disciple. Who has been disciple just having a look him. He spent his long twenty two years life in an endeavor to have Allah. Since his verily boyhood he sitting lonely in a solitary place used to think about the creature and tears would fall and would say who has created me; let me see. When he is the student of class (5) then he thought, for having Allah, Arabic knowledge is needed, this is why, and he completed Madrasha education side by side English education. Huzur in his tender age, he attended in a Mahfil of the founder of Fur-furasharif Peer Sahib Hazarat Mowlana Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddique saheb (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) and accepted his lesson but for being tender age in subsequent Peer Saheb has not got his address. Just for having Allah’s nearness with self-confidence was growing up. During his study in Chittagong Govt. College, he obtained the knowledge of Elme-nahu & Elme-saraf that is Arabic grammar in a good manner from Hat-hazari Madrash. He became disciple of Hazarat Mowlana Mohammad Abdul Gani Saheb (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe) (Known as Asham’s forest doweller saint, it is to be said that he was engaged in Zikr being on thumb of one leg for a few years and since the inception he was devoted to comply with heart’s content all advices of Peer sahib kebla and he practiced there for long 9 years in hilly area of Asham and Chittagong. Once shoes of his Peer Saheb were torn and he wearing these torn shoes ran, but when he saw that his Huzur kebla wearing torn shoes was moving, and then he was waiting, when huzur would go inside and he would make sewing. Huzur keeping shoes under bedstead went out for a while, in this opportunity he taking shoes cleaned properly there after not having for sewing anything like needle, he made an edle with a phase of an umbrella and sewed shoes with hard labor, to do it his palm had been injured and was bleeding . He kept during travel for his use in his bag shoe-polish, brush, comb etc. later on, he polished the shoes properly and shining like new shoes keeping under bedstead was waiting. After a while huzur coming from outside when was preparing to go to Mahfil as soon as shoes was giving out Huzur said why new shoes, l have shoes, then he said, this is your old shoes I made it sewing and polished, please put on it then Hazarat Mowlana Mohammad Abdul Gani Sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) whose chest was filled with full blessing of Qaderia tarika, he embraced Hazarat Mowlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee Sahib and prayed in a specific manner there after wetting chest with tears said you as being so highly qualified person my legs torn shoes sewed with own hand, okay now fulfilled. During this time, he taught him Isme azam. It is a specific name of Allah. There after he been awarded with the certificate of kaderia tariqa by Huzur and by his very instruction chormonai bless Peer Sahib huzur Alhaj Hazarat Mowlana Syed Mohammad Ishaque Sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) went to known dada Huzur kebla (who would pray spreading pray mat on water Mowlovi sahib is very sensitive. In the present world he can only teach you next lesson of spiritual knowledge. Hearing so, in the year 1960 AD, Hazarat Mulana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee Sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) went to Allah’s kutub Hazart Mowlana Syed Mohammad Ishaque Sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi). Then Allah’s kutub asked him ‘’Barrister sab, have you come, yes, how you have come, He replied, Huzur, I see in your book, from east shore of barishal river is 4 miles distance. Seeing it, following this I have reached’’ Huzur said. Oh! You don’t know but you faced trouble much that’s hotel, take in that hotel’’ then he been taught by Allah’s kutub and took blessing touching his legs. Then he ate in hotel. Allah’s kutub Hazarat Mulana Syed Mohammad Ishaque Sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) by which path would come, that path was so narrow. In his word in one side pond, on other side library. (With tears weted heart he said) on this narrow path during night slept, though if his leg touched my body. As He would go by this path during Fazar, should I get a touch of his holy leg. In the middle path, can protect the leg’’ from this event realize that he was how much highly staged wali. It is Noted that he practiced in high court also. In the history such well-behaved disciple is rare There after he walked out deeply in spiritual world and very highly staged, well conduct knowledge holder this great Allah’s wali, through his proper endeavor within 3 years in the year 1963 he achieved khelafat of Chistia Saberia tarika and he passed long 13 years with respected dada huzur (Hazarat Mawlana Syed Mohammad Ishaque Sahib (Rh). Huzur kebla of Barisal would call him by caress by name’’ azharul Islam barrister and in the Mahafil (meeting) was respected dada Huzur kebla in front of all men said Murshed kebla. Azharul Islam barrister, stand, show man, this Azaharul Islam is the piece of my liver. Murshed kebla was best one with khelafat (certificate) from the both best tariqa chistia and kaderia. Once he in annual meeting of charmony darbar sharif was speech Delivering concerning highly pattern spiritual knowledge, then his Murshed kebla was inside of house, then Allah’s kutub Hazarat Mowlana Syed Mohammad Ishaque Sahib (rh.) was so satisfied in his speech that he coming out from the inside of house climbing up on the stage embracing with his chest prayed. During this time he taught Hazarat Mowlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee sahib (rh.) Azmatul usma (which is much above than Isme azam). He cited name of Allah in solitary place and for this he would cover a place measuring 3.4 sq. hands with cloth and there used to cite name of Allah as none of sider could see him. Many time, he would go in open field by citation the name of Allah at night and would return before becoming the morning and he would cite name of Allah is Masjid (Mosque), sometime during citation of name of Allah would jump and it was so high protected by ceiling of Masjid and remembrance of Allah would come out through 36 crore pore of his body. Some time he digging grave descending there he would cite name of Allah, surface of grave would be covered with soil. This time, his beloved son Allah’s servant Dr. Mohammad Manjurul Islam Siddiquee sahib would take for him food.

Talime Islam (Manikganj Darbar Sharif) Establishment: 

In the year 1965 by means of order and blessing of Huzur kebla Al-haj Hazarat Mawlana syed Mohammad Ishaque sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihi) established Talime Islam Manikganj Darbar Sharif and started restless labor in order to spread light of Eleme Shariat and elme-marfat. Miles to miles sometime walking on foot, sometime by cycle Huzur kebla would go to hold convention and was taking people to way of Islam. It is noted that he never did any disciple in his name during alive of Huzur kebla of Barisal, doing so, he would think misconduct. With a view to make real alem in the society such great Allah’s olee (friend) in the year 1977 established’’ Jamiah Arabia Siddiquea Darul Ulum Madrasha’’ where been taught Arabic, Urdu, Science and English side by side Elme shariat and Elme-marfat etc. The horizon of the spiritual world by his restless labor by leading about one crore and thirty lakh men to proper Islamic path of the whole world has established love with Allah. Manikganj Darbar Sharif is a darbar sharif to love Hazarat (Sallahu alaihi wa sallam) and to observe properly his sunnah. He organizes Islamic convention twice in a year in the month of Agrahain and Falgun. Where given teaching to lead life in complete Islamic way mere within three days by complete Talim and practical training of spiritual knowledge and  Elme-sharia, where thousands and thousands people and devotees just to have lesson of elme-shariat and spiritual knowledge and being attractive  be successful in the examination of sunnah come like a made from home and abroad. Here is taken an acid test of all sunnah even including, venil, behave, conduct, Tasbih, pagari, Meswak. Many alims of local and international commented ‘’Manikganj Darbar Sharif is Darbar of sunnah and culture’’ source of all knowledge is the holy Quran and Hadith Sharif. Its real evidence be realized by own eye, if one goes to Manikganj Darbar Sharif. Number of literate, wise and alim are comparatively more. At present elder son of murshed kebla and first khalifa peer kamil mukameel, eminent physician and researcher shaikul Hadith Hazarat mawlana Mufti D. Muhammad Manzurul Islam Siddiquee B.A (Han’s), M.A (Arabic Literature), M.M. (kamil in hadith), M.phil, L.L.B, Phd. (Fikha Hanifi), Dhaka University) by the order and blessing of his father by massive expanding of yearly Islamic great convention and Talim e Islam Manikganaj Darbar Sharif has played a pivot role in preaching of Islam. Present peer sahib in regard Huzur, he in the month of falgun in 2000 AD In regard (Hazarat Mawlana Mufti D. Muhammad Manzurul Islam Siddiquee) in the yearly Islamic great convention murshed (al-haj Hazarat Mowlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe) kebla said left for you a kind and soft heart person I during my life as much as Islam Preached and extended, my affectionate son, Allah’s servant, in his period he will do ten time’s more if Allah Permits. There is a say’’ like father like son, if Father’s son becomes stronger the Father becomes stronger. My son before coming in this earth I prayed to Allah with tears saying so that, Lord: bestow me a son; I will engage him with Islamic Affairs. Allah has accepted my pray. (All praise for Allah). The great Allah’s wali who could make a hell man Allah’s wali in a twinkle such Murshed kebla falling tears whom has brought that  man how could be, the  Wiseman can easily realize it. We all as may give respect towards this blessing. It is noted that all disciple of world Talim e Islam Manikganj Darbar Sharif … free from dogma, superstition, blind belief, Becomes Peer sahib Huzur of Manikganj Darbar sharif as an education it’s not only in Bangladesh rather eminent in whole world. In the indo-pak sub- continent it is needless to say there is no such a high educationist peer like him. All are invited with a view to avail nearness of Allah coming in touch of a pure Allah’s wali, Excellent Alim and a renowned educationist. 


01. In the year 1999, 20th Falgun, he conferred full Khelafat of both Tarika Chistia Saberia and Kadreia to his qualified elder son Al-haj Hazarat Mowlana Mufti D. Mohammad Manjurul Islam.

02. In 2000 AD Mufti-e-Azam Hazarat Mawlana Mohammad Abdul Hakim Sahed has been awarded a certificate of Kaderia tarika. He is verily now in Manikganj Darbar Sharif takes regularly lesson with decency.

03. In the year 2000 AD Hazarat Mawlana Mohammad Abdus Sattar Asrafi sahib has been given such a certificate of Chistia Saberia Tarika (The second lesson) up to negative positive will teach and will take disciple in Manikganj Darbar Sharif for lesson Habse Dam as stated in the certificate.

04. In the year 2000 Hazarat Mawlana Mohammad Masum billah zihadi given as will teach the lesson up to (2nd lesson) negative positive and positive of Chistia Saberia Tarika and for Habse Dam will take the disciple in Manikganj Darbar Sharif as stated in the certificate.

Designed by Mohd Nassir Uddin