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PHD award of Murshid Kebla was Published in National News Papers of the country.


In the meeting of the syndicate of Dhaka University Under arts Faculty of the Department of Arabic researcher, peer sahib kebla of world Talim-e-zikir Manikgonj Darbar sharif, bonafide Khalifa of chistia saberia Tarika Hazarat Mawlana Mufti D.Mohammad Manzurul Islam siddiquee his thes is ‘’Imam-E –Azam Abu Hanifa (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe) for his contribution is Islamic Judicial achieved Doctorate Degree. The care taker of his research was country wide acceptable eminent ALIM, the best Arabic Specialist of Bangladesh, Double gold medal achiever, many linguists, lots of books writer recent deceased Professor A.N.M Abdul Mannan Khan Sahib, Professor and Ex-chairman. Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka. It is his for long 9 years research. In this book he has writlen in regard Abu Hanifa’s Life, Family of Abu Hanifa (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe). Education obtained direct from Sahebe-e- Ekram and eridence of being Tabae, activity in securing of Knowledge, Special Love of teachers towards IMMAM ABU HANIFA (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe). Extraordinary talent, depath intelligence and far shighting, a few attribution idendity of eminent teachers, depath Knowledge in research and Islamic Judicial, work life, Teaching life, Imam Abu Hanifa was very high leveled era-best wali, creation and evolving  Hanifa Islamic Judicial, expanding Hanifa of majhab,

contribution of Hazarat Abu Hanifa (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe) in Islamic Judicial (FIKHA).

A discussion in details has been done by him in regard the then social environment and influence of Fikha Hanifa in the world etc. such like other important things. This is his thes is of his Phd. Hazarat Mawlana Mufti Dr. Mohammad Manzurul Islam Siddiquee sahib has already completed Alim in 1982 AD and Fazil in 1985 AD. From Manikganj Islamia senior Madrash. Then after, He was placed from University of Dhaka in B.A. Hons (Arabic) in 1988 AD and M.A (Arabic) in 1992 10th and 2nd respectively in merit list. 

Side by side under By the grace of Allah he secured good command in Medical science, Space science, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Jurisprudence, Science of Hanifi University of Dhaka from Cantal Law College L.L.B and from Mohammad Pur Alia Madrash Dhaka obtained M.M. (AL-Hadith. By dint of Natural talent and special boon his father he has no need to give much time in study. He complited M.Phil in Arabic classic. Later on by order of his father in 1998 Joined as Phd research fellow in 1998 Under University of Dhaka. Side by side of securing Knowledge of Arabic Literature Dr.Mohammad Manzurul Islam.

Jurisprudence etc. He has written a lot of researchable some books including Bengali Translation of Al-Quran, World Franing of recitation, Aglance when Bangladesh Remain sound, Al-TATFIQ, TALIMUL QURAN, and NAME NILIMA. He is the elder son and chief Khalifa of eminent Muslim scientist Peer-e-kamil and mukkamil Professor Hazarat Mawlana Mohammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee sahib (Rahmat Ullah Alaihe) of siddique Nagar of Manikganj. On December in the year 2009 AD in 45th convocation of University of Dhaka he has seen awarded PHD degree (original certificate) formally by hon’ble chancellor MD.ZILLUR RAHMAN.


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